Tuesday, May 18, 2010

iPad to Replace Text Books?

The new iPad is supposed to be the new library. Some school districts are taking that library and giving it to their students. Read the two articles below aboout iPad's replacing of text books. Very interesting! I hope my district does this sooner rather than later!

Bay Area News May 5, 2010

Central Coast News May 5, 2010


  1. such an interesting idea for our students in a rapidly changing world. I think it's a great idea, expensive, but great. I wonder if there would be trouble with students treating them properly. Do you think they would work as a complete replacement in elementary school?

  2. I have heard of other schools doing this too. I think initially it is expensive for a school to purchase iPads, but in the long run it replaces many expensive textbooks. However, the iPad will probably be obsolete in a few years and it will be on to the next latest and greatest.
